Thursday, February 21, 2013

Basics of French language - Greetings

Bonjour everyone!

I am exited to start a series of videos teaching some basics of the french language. I hope you find them helpfull! Let me know if you have any questions I will be glad to answer them.

Here is the vocabulary that I've used in the video:

Bonjour - Hello
Salut - Hi
Comment allez vous/tu ? - How are you ?
Tres bien et vous/toi ? - I am doing well and you ?
Je m'appelle Sarah - My name is Sarah
Enchanté - Nice to meet you
Au revoir - Goodbye
Merci - Thank you


  1. This video was awesome girl! So happy I stumbled across your blog today because I'll be in Europe come April and I really wanted to learn just simple conversation starters. I think my favorite part is when you specifically talk about how to pronunciate words by the letters. So when you were talking about bonjour, with the on and the ou. That was SO helpful. I can't believe I was saying it wrong this whole time!
    Keep these videos coming :)
    xo TJ

    1. Thank you TJ! I am glad you find the video helpful. Let me know if there are some things that you would like me to talk about:-) for example "how to order something in a restaurant" or "getting directions".

      How fun you are going to Europe in April, we are going to France as well to see my family. I hope you have fun there.

      Oh and I just checked out your blog! Love it!

      Xo Sarah

  2. You make me wanna learn French! :) But seriously, you are very natural at this. You should definitely continue doing these videos.

    1. Thanks Elena! I am working on the next one. I just need to find the time :-)

  3. Your post about Basics of French language is informative. It is really great work . I am beginner of learning french language . I have got many ideas from you. Thanks for sharing this nice post.
