Thursday, May 17, 2012

Month to Month update : 6 Month

{right before the hair cut}
{after - I cut his hair myself and my dad was holding him}
Growth :

M. is 17 pound 8 ounces and 26.5". He wears 9 to 12 month clothes. I had to cut his hair :-(  because
a) he was getting really hot since the weather is changing to a warmer season
b) everyone (that don't know him) kept telling me " is it a boy or a girl ? "or look at how much hair she has".
Seeing him with his hair all short just made me think about the time that has past by, from the night he was born (which was one of the best of my entire life), I just changed completely. Bringing him into this world made me believe that I can do anything and it solidified the doubt in my heart that the reason God created me was to be a mother. As soon as I saw him I knew what I would become. I was made to care for him and cherish him and I will be doing it to the best of my capacity for the rest of my life.

New things he does :

He can sit on his own now, in the morning he likes to play with his little toys and talk at the same time (I think he is singing ahah !) These days I watch him putting together what he knows of the world and trying to crawl over the rug in the living room, bath time turn into a studying session, he loves to try and catch the water, splashing around and grabbing some of the toys that are floating and looking at the one that sunk at the bottom of his tub.

Feeding :

Since he was 4 month old I have started to introduce some fruits and veggies here and there but nothing too formal. the pediatrician also recommended adding a small amount of rice cereal once a day. Now that he is 6 month old his pediatrician recommended adding 2 meals a day, one in the morning and one at night  plus the regular breastfeeding in between. M. LOVES fruits ! veggies not so much but  he still eats them . He has tried banana, apple, grape, pears, prunes,avocado and zucchini.

So here it is for the 6 months update, I could have never imagined I would learn as much about perspective and patience and for most keeping faith in what comes ahead. I've never felt as alive as I do for the past 6 month. I thank god everyday for bringing M. into my life, I love him so much.

Happy 6 month my Baby !

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