Thursday, May 31, 2012

M. fell off our bed ...

Few days ago as I was getting ready to go out, I placed M. on our bed with pillows around him. He has been trying to crawl lately, but I did not think that he would actually climb over the pillows. 
As I turned I saw him falling and hit the front of his head. My heart stopped beating, I started shaking and wanted to cry. 
I immediately picked him up and tried to comfort him. I started breastfeeding him and he stopped crying. He cried for a total of 2 minutes at the most but I was really scared that something might have been wrong. I called the pediatrician and they told me to come right away.
They checked his skull for any bumps, his eye to see if the pupils were the same size, his ears to check for any internal bleeding and made sure that he was still responsive and active like usual.
She also told me to keep an eye for anything abnormal within the next 48 hours.  

Here is the list :
- Loss of consciousness
- Bleeding
- Seizure
- swollen area on the scalp
- Blood showing in white of his eyes or change in pupil size
- Vomiting and excessive sleepiness
- Prolonged screaming or crying

I can not tell you how much I regret not paying more attention at that moment. I never though that it would happen to him. This situation as bad as it was really reminded me that I have to pay close attention to him 24/7. And from now on he stays on the floor.with pillow around him .

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