Sunday, May 6, 2012

Classic Crepe Recipe

Appreciated from all. Crepes are just a classic. You can make them sweet or salty garnished with fruit or veggies, puffed or  like meringues, with country accent or exotic flavors, Crepes are just irresistible. 
This Post is about the traditional "Pate a Crepes" recipe but in later posts I will show you fun ways to garnish them. 

PS: I wanted to take a nice picture with all of them stacked on top of one another but everyone kept eating them...

Recipe :      {for about 15 crepes of 22 cm diameter}

3 Eggs
2 Cups of Milk
3 1/2 Table spoon of Butter
2 Cups of Flour
1 Tea spoon of Salt

- In a mixing bowl add the Flour and the Salt dig in the center.
- Break the Eggs in another mixing bowl add the milk and mix vigorously. 
- Pour little by little on the Flour and keep mixing.
- Mix with a spatula while bringing in the flour to the middle of the bowl until the dough is smooth and without any clumps.
- Add the melted butter
- Let sit of an hour at room temperature.

It's ready!  

- Pass over the pan with a paper towel that you've slightly coated with oil.
- Pour a scoop of the dough while tilting the pan in a circle so the pan is covered. (do not pour to much otherwise it will look like a pancake)
- Let cook for about one minute (medium heat) or until the borders become slightly golden and start to fold on the inside.
- Then turn the Crepe with a spatula and let cook on the other side.

Enjoy your Crepes !!!

{the dough should be fairly liquid so it slides nicely on the pan}

{you can see the sides are folding on the inside - the crepe is ready to be turned}

{this is how it should look like}

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