Monday, April 23, 2012

Four Things {that changed since M. was born}

This Week I have been thinking of all the things that I am thankful for since M. came into our lives, which gave me an idea for this week's "Four Things" post . What change when you have a Baby ? Here are 4 things that changed in my life and my new Mommy Brain.

1 - I finally realized that true joy does not come from material wealth  
2 - I find myself wanting to make this world a better place
3 - I always have vomit on my shirt or jeans (I can't change 5 times a day)
4 - My Facebook photos are all about M. now.

{Davis Square for some Frozen Yogurt}

{M.'s First time at the beach}

{Frangipane sooooo good !}

{M. and his Daddy !}

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